James Williams for HOA Board

Vote for Transparency, Financial Responsibility, & Accountability.

Why I'm Running

Some of you may remember my post last month detailing my attempts to gain access to basic financial records from the HOA. Unfortunately, after two months, I still don’t have them. That experience made it clear that we need real change in how our HOA operates.

That’s why I’m running for the HOA board—to improve transparency, financial responsibility, and accountability.

RealManage has mailed out absentee ballots, and the election meeting will be on March 20th at 6:30 PM at Discovery United Methodist Church. Regardless of whom you're voting for, I urge everyone who can attend to do so.

Key Issues

My Commitment

I am dedicated to ensuring that all homeowners have easy access to financial records, meeting minutes, and board decisions. I will push for open communication and clear, detailed explanations for all HOA expenses. No homeowner should have to struggle to obtain information that directly affects their property and community.

Get Involved

If you share my vision for a more transparent, accountable, and financially responsible HOA, I would appreciate your support. Let’s work together to make our HOA better for everyone.

Contact Me:

James Williams | 411 Camellia | [email protected]